Declaration of accessibility

The University of Silesia undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. The declaration of accessibility applies to the website of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

Website publication date: 30 November 2019
Last important update: 18 March 2022

The website is partly consistent with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the digital accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, because:

  • certain graphic elements include content which may have been imprecisely described in alternative descriptions,
  • certain video materials may not contain audio description,
  • certain video materials do not have subtitles, because they had been published before the Act on digital accessibility came into force,
  • due to the fact that the website is very expanded and varied, the structure of headlines may be inconsistent on certain subpages,
  • links without the description of the link goal can be found on the website,
  • files with a wrong language declaration, unmarked tags and metadata can be found on the website,
  • code errors can be found on the website.

The declaration was prepared on: 29 March 2024.
The declaration was prepared on the basis of self-assessment made by the public entity.

You can use standard keyboard shortcuts on the website. Additionally, the following keyboard shortcut has been used on the website: Alt+C allowing to open the chatbot (automatic response system) window. Press ESC to exit the system.

Feedback and contact data

In case of any problems with the website accessibility, please contact the Student Service Centre: You can also contact the Student Service Centre by calling at 32 359 1910. In the same way you can submit requests for sharing inaccessible information and lodge complaints against the lack of accessibility.

Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility of the website, mobile app or any of their elements. You can also request sharing information through an alternative access method, e.g. by reading a digitally inaccessible document, describing film content without audio description, etc. The request should contain the data of the person submitting the request, specification of the website or mobile app and method of contact.

If the person making the request reports the need to obtain information through an alternative access method, they should also determine the convenient method of presenting such information. A public entity should fulfil the request immediately, not later than within 7 days from the date of submitting the request. Should it not be possible to comply with the deadline, the public entity should inform the person making the request about it as soon as possible, whereby the new deadline cannot be later than 2 months from the date of submitting the request. Should it not be possible to provide digital accessibility, the public entity may offer an alternative method of access to information. In the case when the public entity refuses to fulfil the request to provide availability or alternative method of access to information, the person making the request may lodge a complaint related to providing the digital accessibility of the website, mobile app or element of the website. Once the above-mentioned procedure has been exhausted, you can also submit a request to Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection.

Educational accessibility and individual adaptation of studies

Educational accessibility and individual adaptation of studies

Architectural accessibility





Entrance with a guide dog

Please be informed that you can enter every building of the University of Silesia with an assisting dog and a guide dog.

Sign language interpreter

The option to use a sign language interpreter is provided.
To order translation services, please write an e-mail in advance: