Visual Identity System for the ECSK 2024

The Visual Identity System for the European City of Science Katowice 2024 has been designed by the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice. It is to implement individual elements constituting the visual identity for the ECSK 2024. The visual identity has been designed and implemented by the team of graduates and employees of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice consisting of: Aleksandra Braska, Jan Dybała, Anna Kopaczewska, Mikołaj Hałabuda, Dawid Koruszowic, Hanna Sitarz-Pietrzak, and Marian Misiak – a typographer and publicist, visual culture researcher who has designed an original font called Di Grotesk KatoScience – the now official font of the Consortium.

The team has created the ECSK 2024 logo with a characteristic for scientific articles asterisk signalling a footnote; its form refers to 7 universities organised around a common mission, cooperating with each other, and sharing a common goal of improving research infrastructure and scientific potential.

Additionally, a dedicated brand book and a manual for the Visual Identity System for the ECSK 2024 have been created, along with the Visual Identity System Book and new guidelines regarding promotion in the Style Book.
People involved in the team’s work have also developed the design for informational and promotional materials, a set of promotional mediums, spatial objects and promotional gadgets. The team has been carrying out workshops on communication and the ECSK 2024 promotion strategy, along with evaluation activities for the ECSK 2024 Visual Identity System.

The ECSK 2024 logo and the DiGrotesk KatoScience font shall be used by employees of the units organising the ECSK 2024 in connection with the activity of the European City of Science Katowice 2024. 

The usage of the ECSK 2024 logo shall be consulted with the indicated units at individual institutions

Institution Unit e-mail
City of Katowice Promotion Department
University of Silesia in Katowice Promotion Centre
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Katowice Office for Cultural Activity and Promotion
Academy of Physical Education Promotion Department
Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
Silesian University of Technology Promotion and Communication Centre
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice

Promotion Department

Office of the Spokesperson 

University of Economics in Katowice Marketing Centre

External entities may use the logo as agreed with the organisers and determined by the Rules of Cooperation.

DiGrotesk KatoScience font is made available to the indicated units at particular institutions.

Downloadable files

Elementy do oznakowania wydarzeń programowych

Elementy do oznakowania wydarzeń programowych  tj. Program Młodych Miasta Nauki, Nauczyciele – Nauczycielom, program wydarzeń specjalnych.

Elementy do oznakowania wydarzeń z pasma Miasto-Region-Akademia: