The Wabioli project
Discover the fascinating world of aquatic plants as part of the citizen science project!
We encourage you to participate in another initiative implemented in Silesia using the citizen science method! The Wabioli project is an opportunity to support scientists and researchers in collecting information about water reservoirs, determining the quality parameters of water collected within them and identifying the diversity of plants – macrophytes.
Residents, school students, officials, anglers, seniors and anyone interested over the age of 13 can participate in the research. Participation in the project is an opportunity to support the development of knowledge about the functioning of ecosystems of water reservoirs and rivers, and at the same time it allows you to take part in a competition for the most active citizen scientists and win attractive prizes!
To join the initiative you must:
- register via form;
- download the free PlantNet app from the store dedicated to your device;
- register in the app (providing the same information as in the form);
- join a competition group called ‘wabioli’ (Please note: Membership must be approved by the administrator);
- add photos of macrophytes you have taken to the group.
Those responsible for collecting research results will submit the photos to a database prepared by scientists.
More information about the Wabioli project is available on the website of the University of Silesia.